Rank Math SEO 플러그인의 1.0.62 업데이트가 배포가 되었습니다.
참고적으로 Rank Math SEO 플러그인의 경우 무료 버전과 프로 버전의 업데이트가 살짝 다릅니다.
Rank Math SEO 플러그인의 1.0.62 업데이트 내역은 아래와 같습니다.
1.0.62 [Apr 14, 2021]
Added: Alt text as a caption property in the Primary Image, Logo, and Author Image Schema entities
Added: Description property in Author Schema entity
Added: async loading for the Google Analytics tracking script
Added: Filter to add Analytics stats of different language posts into the main post, examples abc.com/en/ or abc.com/es/. Note: Support needs to be added by translation plugins
Improved: Primary image and Author image uses image URL as an ID in the Schema Markup
Improved: Add Place entity in the Schema markup only when address is added in the Local SEO Settings
Improved: Show Database Tools only if the related module is enabled
Fixed: Analytics stats were not changing on some pages after changing the timeframe
Fixed: Undefined index: logo error if the logo was not set in the Titles & Meta settings
Fixed: Google Search Console table creation issue with the MySQL 8.0
Fixed: Breadcrumbs Schema was not showing on the Product category/tag archive pages
Fixed: Missing backgrounds in some of the tabs of Elementor SEO
Fixed: Custom field analysis was not working when the Divi theme was active
Fixed: Open Graph image “Icon Overlay” feature was not working
이번 업데이트 이후 그동안 노출이 되지 않았던 대표 이미지도 구글에 노출이 되지 않을까 합니다.
그 외에 AMP에서 오류를 일으키던 Logo 문제도 해결이 된 것으로 보입니다.
Elementor와 Divi theme와의 호환성도 해결이 된 것으로 보이고..
서치 콘솔과 구글 애널리틱스 관련 버그 수정도 포함되어 있습니다.
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